Monday, November 22, 2010


10. Brian's Song (1971)
9. Remember The Titans (2000)
8. The Natural (1984)
7. The Mighty Ducks (1992)
6. The Sandlot (1993)
5. The Flying Scotsman (2006)
4. Love & Basketball (2000)
3. Field of Dreams (1989)
2. Rudy (1993)
1. Rocky II (1979)

Friday, November 12, 2010


I just wanted to post this song by Ace Enders, entitled "Over This" because... I, Austin Galbraith, am over this. And it feels good. I feel a tremendous weight lifted off of my shoulders. I'm moving on. And making some much needed changes in my life. For the first time in a very long time, I am very, very happy. Loving life, and hopeful for what the future may bring me in my life. God bless, and I love you all.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Early November

How many days are there in the month of November? 30? So let's divide the month into thirds. The first third we  will call, "The Early November" the middle third we will call, "The Middle November" and the final third of the month we will call, "The End November" Why do I bring up such a ridiculous method of breaking down the 11th month of the calendar year? Because it is also the name of one of my favorite bands of all time. The Early November. If we look it up on wikipedia to see what they have to say, you won't find much, but please don't stop there, . The front man of T.E.N. Arthur "Ace" Enders is the real reason I love this band, and everything he has done since their breakup in the spring of 2007.
The Early November during it's "The Room is Too Cold" days
For any fans of T.E.N. I thought I'd give a quick update for what the 4 original band members are doing now:

Arthur "Ace" Enders- Still touring and going strong, he most likely came to your home town under the alias of either "I Can Make A Mess Like Nobodies Business" or "Ace Enders & A Million Different People" he has also released the following albums:
I Can Make A Mess
  • Self Title (2004)
  • The World We Know (2010)
  • Dustin' Off the Ol' Guitar (2010)
  • I Can Make a Mess and Friends [Future Release] (2011)
Ace Enders & A Million Different People
  • The Secret Wars (2008)
  • The Lost Album (2008)
  • When I Hit the Ground (2009)
  • The Australian EP (2009)
Joseph Marro- left the band in 2007 when they disbanded and quickly joined up with the band "Hellogoodbye" and started touring with them and played keyboard for them on tour. I actually saw then open for Ace Enders in 2008 and it was cool to see Joe and Ace in the same building again. I follow Joseph on twitter and myspace and check him out from time to time to see what his solo project is up too, .

Sergio Anello- after the bands break up in 2007, Sergio laid low for about a year time until I was absolutely SHOCKED when in the fall of 2008, Ace Enders & A Million Different People came through Salt Lake City on tour and lo and behold, who was back up with Ace playing bass? Freaking Sergio! As soon as we saw him up there, we were like, "Holy shit? Is that Sergio?" And it was! Sergio has been recording and touring with Ace ever since. Good to hear.

Jeff Kummer- my favorite member of T.E.N. and a total character on and off stage. Jeff joined up and played drums for a rad band called, "Your Sweet Uncertainty" they released two albums that were both self titles
  • Your Sweet Uncertainty I"
  • Your Sweet Uncertainty II" check out some of Jeff's solo stuff he's done since he left his previous band in early 2009. I love it, I wish Jeff or Joe would get the chance the record their music cause it's good stuff, and it's catchy. Oh yeah, he's a complete discography for T.E.N.
  • An Excellent Attempt at Next to Youism (2000)
  • The 5 Song EP (2002)
  • For All of This (2002)
  • The Acoustic EP (2002)
  • The Room's Too Cold (2003)
  • The Early November/I Am The Avalanche [Split EP] (2005)
  • The Mother, The Mechanic, and the Path (2006)
much love,