Monday, October 11, 2010

attempts & failures

"And why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up." -Thomas Wayne

True words of wisdom. From one of my favorite movies, Batman Begins (2005), starring Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Gary Oldham, & Cillian Murphy. At the beginning of this film, Bruce Wayne is an eight year old boy who learns this valuable truth from his father Thomas Wayne after falling into a well and being surrounded and swarmed by bats. Invaluable lesson taught from father to son. 

Last week Tim and Austin attempted a late night bike tour from our place out to Antelope Island. We're idiots, let's get one thing straight. We left @ 2 am thinking we would bike to the island and camp for the night. Shortly after our approach onto the 10 mile causeway that leads to the island we found rains, winds, thunder, and lightning. The lake water was washing up over the causeway up near our ankles. We made our first mature, adult decision of our lives. We decided to turn back. Not worth it. We'll try again this week. I kind of thought it might be kinda cool to get struck by lightning and live to tell the tale. As we were riding back I could hear the word's of Bruce Wayne's father in my head over and over again... "So we can learn to pick ourselves up."

Now that's just one out of a million ways I'm able to connect movies to my daily life. You should try it yourself.

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