Monday, October 18, 2010

Back to the Wild

For those who care to read what I have to say, Into the Wild is my favorite movie of all time. Starring Emile Hirsch. (He is also my favorite young actor). The funny thing about this movie is that I've never pushed it on anybody. You know, in terms of me saying, "Hey you gotta get over here and watch this movie with me tonight!" I've never watched it with anybody either. I've never even cared to share it with anybody else out of fear that they just wouldn't get it like I do. The first time I saw that movie I was alone at my apartment and I remember thinking to myself, "What the hell am I doing with my life?" I honestly wanted to get up and walk out my front door and never look back. And never talk to anyone ever again.

 The movie is based off the book of the same title, the story chronicles the journey of Christopher McCandless aka Alexander Supertramp as he travels around the United States sleeping in his tent, homeless shelters, and with those he meets along his journey. McCandless was sick of society and all the bullshit pressures of his upper class upbringing. Getting the perfect education, having the perfect job, raising the perfect family. I think that's why I connected so well with his amazing story.

So I'm not going to tell you to watch this movie, or read this book, or listen to this amazing, I mean, beyond imaginable soundtrack. I just want you to know that this is my favorite film/story ever told. Better yet, don't see this movie, I could give a shit if you do or don't, cause in my experience thus far, very few that I know appreciate what this story really means, and what it means to it's cult following of fans. Fans like myself. God Bless!

for more info on an upcoming book about the journey of Chris McCandless visit,

1 comment:

  1. Only want to say I just finished watching "Into The Wild". I´m speechless.
