Sunday, December 5, 2010

Judo Chop from Mr. Young

the reason i get up in the morning...
Austin Galbraith & Neil Young are not that different from one another ya know. Although divided by a mere 39 years, at least it's not 87 years, we are a lot alike. What is the first similarity you ask? I deliver blows like unto Daniel Laruso from The Karate Kid trilogy. Neil Young delivers a blow with his six string, his weird Canadian accented voice and his sweet bangs. Neil a bit more well known for his blows, but still, he and I are connected. This might sound like the ramblings and a 24 years young man, home alone on a saturday afternoon, but it's true. Neil hit me like a pillow case with a bar of soap inside. I saw the film "Due Date" recently, starring Robert Downey Jr and Zach Galifianakis. Pretty funny movie, the sound track was even better. This film featured the song, "Old Man" by Neil Young. I was somewhat un-interested in this film up until that sound came on. From there on I was like, "Holy Shit, that's freaking sweet that they played a Neil Young song in this movie" and I enjoyed the rest of that movie in full. Just trying to paint and small portrait as to how impactful the music of Mr Neil Young can be in your life, and is in my life. If you really know me, you'll know that it is. LOVE YOU NEIL.

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