Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How to Run Through a Brick Wall

Some of my very favorite character's from some of my most favorite films of all time, in perhaps the most motivating montage of speeches ever put together. Kudos to whomever edited this youtube video together. What are some of your favorite clips in this video? Let me know!

My favorite clips are:
Kenneth Branagh as King Henry V in, "Henry V" (1989)
Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn, King of Gondor in, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" (2003)
Mel Gibson as William Wallace in, "Braveheart" (1995)
Morgan Freeman as Azeem in, "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" (1991)
Charles S. Dutton as Fortune in, "Rudy" (1993)
James Stewart as Jefferson Smith in, "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" (1939)
Matthew Broaderick as Ferris Bueller in, "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" (1986)
George C. Scott as US General George S. Patton in, "Patton" (1970)
Pat O'Brien as Knute Rockne in, "Knute Rockne, All American" (1940)
Edward James Olmos as Jamie Escalante in, "Stand & Deliver" (1988)

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