Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Favorite War/Military Films

A majority of these below listed films give me a huge sense of gratitude and respect for the men and women who have served and fought to protect this country which I love so very much. Also, a majority of these films have helped illustrate to me the true awfulness and the horror associated with war. These films are very powerful and stir a lot of emotion within. This first film didn't make my list of "Motion Pictures" just because it is a documentary which I saw just 2 months ago. This was no film, this was a film crew with cameras with the soldiers in the Korangal Valley of Afghanistan getting shot at in the line of fire. If you see any film on this list, have it be this one.

My Pick as the Most Moving Film on this List
"Restrepo" (2010)

13- "Patton" (1970)

12- "All Quiet on the Western Front" (1930)

11- "The Patriot" (2000)

10- "Inglorious Basterds" (2009)

9- "The Thin Red Line" (1998)

8- "U-571" (2000)

7- "The Hurt Locker" (2008)

6- "Glory" (1989)

5- "Saving Private Ryan" (1998)

4- "Apocalypse Now" (1979)

3- "Platoon" (1986)

2- "Full Metal Jacket" (1987)

1- "Cold Mountain" (2003)

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