Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Favorite Films of 2010

I have seen a lot of movies over the past 12 months, but the more I dive deep into the more I realize that I in fact missed a ton a movies this year. Here's a quick list of my favorite films that I paid money to see, and sat through in a movie theater. I was able to narrow it down to 15 films, and I'm not quite sure if this list is in any particular order. Thanks for reading and here's to more great films in 2011!

15- "True Grit"

14- "The Kid's Are All Right"

13- "Fair Game"

12- "127 Hours"

11-"Never Let Me Go"

10-"Nowhere Boy"

9- "Shutter Island"

8- "The Town"

7- "The King's Speech"

6- "Conviction"

5- "TRON: Legacy"

4- "The Fighter"

3- "The Social Network"

2- "Winter's Bone"

1- "Inception"

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