Sunday, January 9, 2011


Looking at this list of the movies below I freaking feel like throwing up knowing I had to sit through the entire thing at the cinema. This is just my opinion, and I'm entitled too it, but these movies sucked 100% donkey dong. I can take a bit of hope in knowing that I say a majority of these either at the Dollar Theater or at Brewvies where movies are only $3. But hands down, "Gulliver's Travels" takes the lot when it comes to movies that sucked in 2010. I went with my family on Christmas day and I was ready to throw my soda & popcorn at the screen. I wish I had a time machine so I could take Jack Black back to the year 2002 when he was a total bad ass, playing the role of Lance Brumder in "Orange County". Writing this I'm getting pissed off remembering how AWFUL that movie was.

But don't worry Jack Black was not the only disappointment in 2010. Adrian Brody will never have the same body mass as Arnold Schwarzenegger did back in 1987 when he hunted the Predator as Major Dutch Schaefer. I mean COME ON!!! In body mass alone.

I feel like Mac & Dennis from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" put it best when the argue over whether to watch Predator again for the 30th time or try and watch a new movie...

Dennis: Yeah, I, look, man, I... , I know you wanted to see Predator again but I feel like we've seen that 30 times in the last two months and thought maybe we could mix things up. Video store clerk guy said this movie is awesome, so...
Dennis: Okay, will you stop? I don't want to have conversations anymore about dudes' physiques and

whether they can...

Mac: Dennis, in body mass alone...

Dennis: That's what I was trying to avoid. A conversation about body mass, okay? We've had that conversation five times a day for the last month because we keep watching Predator and all you talk about is Weathers and Jesse "The Body" Ventura and how many pounds they can pack on...
Mac: It's important to pack on mass. You're talking about carbo-loading.
Dennis: I don't want to, I don't want to have this conversation with you anymore.

Russell Crowe is in no way shape or form anything resembling Kevin Costner that won my heart as a 6 year old boy when Costner took on the role as the "Prince of Thieves". Besides Bryan Adams didn't write the love theme for Ridley Scotts poor attempt at a "Pre-Robin Hood, Robin Hood Movie" 

(According to my mother when I was 6 years old I used to call into radio stations and request "(Everything I Do) I Do It For You" by Bryan Adams.)   

I'll stop here, Sam Worthington is not the new action star everyone deemed him to be after James Cameron casts him in his "Fern Gully/Dances With Wolves/Dune" rip off of a story called Avatar. He's a geek. And "Clash of The Titans" proved it to me. That movie freaking blew, I think I only went to see it because I wanted to eat nachos at Brewvies and sit on their couches. And let's be honest, when Worthington co-starred alongside my boy Christian Bale in "Terminator Salvation", Bale made him look like a little punk, shit man, even Common made him look laughable. 

10- "Iron Man 2"

9- "Robin Hood"

8- "Predators" 

7- "The Wolfman"

6- "Dinner For Schmucks"

5- "The Karate Kid"

4- "The Expendables"

3- "Clash of The Titans"

2- "Hot Tub Time Machine"

1- "Gulliver's Travels"

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